At Pulp Production brand of DEZUTTER GROUP SRL , we attach the utmost importance to the protection of privacy and comply with the provisions of the European regulation on the protection of personal data, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This privacy policy describes the types of data we collect and how we process it.

DEZUTTER GROUP SRL stores and entrusts its data only in Europe or to "GDPR compliant" suppliers outside Europe and in an encrypted way as far as personal data is concerned, for security reasons, encrypted backups using AES algorithms at 2048 bits and 128 loops can be stored outside Europe.

DEZUTTER GROUP SRL keeps at the disposal of the supervisory authorities, in accordance with the RGPD:
- the processing register ;
- data protection impact assessments;
- the supervision of data transfers outside the European Union;
- information, models for collecting the consent of the persons concerned and the procedures put in place for exercising their rights;
- Contracts with subcontractors who are awarded public contracts;
- internal procedures for data breaches;
- evidence that data subjects have given their consent where the processing of their data is based on that consent.

Statistical data of the visitors of the company's sites:

Raw statistical data of visitors, collected by third party systems allowing, among other things, IP address to identify visitors, are aggregated as soon as realistic in order to keep only trends and will never be aggregated in order to keep the habits of a particular user, which would be contrary to the policy of DEZUTTER GROUP SRL

The data will only be kept for the time necessary to process them and for the purpose entrusted by the user (e.g. an application will be kept for the purpose of being taken up again in a new selection process, unless the applicant requests otherwise, or for the time required by the unemployment control office to comply with the legal requirements in this respect).

Right to be forgotten and consultation :

Any private individual who wishes to obtain copies of the data concerning him/her may request this by sending a registered letter to the company's headquarters, enclosing proof of identity.

The same applies to any request for deletion, with the understanding that DEZUTTER GROUP SRL may, in the event of a request for deletion, aggregate the data of that private individual by anonymizing it, inter alia, if a legal obligation compels it.

This policy will evolve in accordance with changes in case law and instructions from privacy authorities. Please visit this page regularly.

Cookie Policy

This page is part of our Privacy Policy and describes the use of cookies on our website.

Most websites you visit will use cookies to enhance your user experience by allowing that website to "remember" you, either for the duration of your visit (using a "session cookie") or for your repeated visits ("persistent cookie"). This policy explains our usage process.

Some websites will also use cookies to enable them to target their advertising or marketing messages based, for example, on your location and/or browsing habits.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small data files (usually numbers and letters) that a website places on your computer or mobile device when you first visit. The cookie will help that website, or another website, recognize your device the next time you visit. Web beacons or similar files can also do the same thing. In this policy, we use the term "cookies" to refer to all files that collect information in this way.

Cookies have many functions, such as helping you navigate more efficiently, storing your preferences, and improving your overall experience of a website. Cookies make it faster and easier for the website to interact with you. If a website does not use cookies, it will think you are a new visitor every time you go to a new page on the site - for example, when you enter your username and password and go to another page, it will not recognize you and you will not be able to stay logged in.

Some cookies contain personal information - for example, if you click "remember me" when you log in, a cookie will store your username. Most cookies will not retrieve personally identifiable information, but rather will retrieve more general information: how a user arrives at a website, what they use it for, or where a user lives.